All Hands on Desk Meeting Called in Fresno


As Nextar continues their plan of merging KGPE and KSEE into one station, they called a mandatory meeting for the staff.

At the meeting the station will unveil it's plans for "branding, positioning and differentiating the CBS47 and KSEE24 news product."

In other words, they'll talk about how crews will be working for two stations and doing more work, for the same amount of money as they make now. 

Here's the internal memo: 

From: Matt Rosenfeld <>
Date: August 15, 2013, 8:43:06 PM PDT
To: Staff - KSEE <>, Staff - KGPE <>
Subject: Mandatory News and Promotion Staff Meeting:  News Branding & Strategy Overview

Next Wednesday, August 21st, there will be a mandatory meeting for All Fresno News and Promotion staff.  This includes all anchors, reporters, producers, photographers, assignment desk, editors, and everyone in the combined CBS47/KSEE24 Creative Services Department.  If you have questions about whether or not you should attend, ask Chad McCollum, Matt Damore or me.

The meeting will being promptly at 1:00pm in the NEW CBS47 Studio at 5035 E. McKinley Ave.  Please be prompt as we will start immediately at 1:00pm.  Nexstar Corporate including Brian Jones and Jerry Walsh will be present for the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to detail our strategy for branding, positioning and differentiating the CBS47 and KSEE24 news product.  We will also outline the latest timelines for construction, training, rehearsals, etc.

This meeting is mandatory for all shifts.  If you have a conflict that cannot be moved, please discuss with your department head.

Matthew A. Rosenfeld
Vice President/General Manager