Scripps Bumps Up Another News Director to Station Manager

When Scripps offloaded many of their General Managers in a cost-saving move, they invited people working inside the station to apply for the Station Manager position.

For those who got the SM job, it was in addition to the job they currently have at the station.

In Ft. Myers at WFTX, News Director Autumn Jones has now added Station Manager to her job title.

I have always believed that the News Director job was a full-time, all-in position. Especially as stations continue to hire younger, less qualified people in the newsroom, the ND job becomes even more important.

Now, Jones is being asked to split her time between the ND job and the station manager gig.

Sure, it saves money, but at what cost?

It’s also concerning when the News Director is reaching out to businesses to try and get them to spend ad dollars. That is not and has never been the job on the News Director.

I get that Scripps is looking to run stations as cheaply as possible, but this is diving head first down a very slippery slope.