Nexstar Gives Out Huge Raise!!!

We heard from several Nexstar employees about this…

From what we gather when most Nexstar employees have a raise coming due, most often they are offered somewhere between a 1-2% raise.

That number is not even keeping up with inflation.

So, you might be surprised to learn that one Nexstar employee got a raise increase of 86.25%.

Yep, you read that right and if you are thinking it was some employee that was making $15,000 a year and got a bump up to nearly $30 grand, you would be wrong.

The Nexstar employee we’re talking about is the highest paid in the company and saw their salary go from $21.1 million bucks all the way to $39.3 million dollars.

If you’re now guessing we’re talking about Uncle Perry, then step up and get your gold star.

Yes, why your boss is telling you that “there just isn’t any more money in the budget”, Perry Sook nearly doubled his salary and is pulling in damn near $40 million bucks a year.

Remember that the next time you’re offered a 1.5% raise.