Mailing it in in Denver

When it comes to being lazy, we are going to give this week’s award to KDVR (Denver) Producer Dara Bitler.

Bitler posted a story on the Nexstar station’s website about it being 3-0-3 day in Denver.

3-0-3 day falls on March 3rd and ties in with the Denver area code of 303.

Bitler posted this story two days ago. Here is a screenshot:

Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 5.26.36 AM.png

Now, let’s go back one year ago to March 3, 2020 and see the story that Bitler posted. Screenshot:

Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 5.27.03 AM.png

It is nearly word for word the same story.

How lazy can you get?
