More Democrats Watch Fox News Than CNN

Well, this one has to sting a bit….

According to Nielsen, more Democrats are watching Fox News during prime time than CNN.

The numbers show that Fox News is watched by 29 percent of liberal prime-time viewers compared to CNN, which garners 25 percent of those viewers.

MSNBC still leads the way with the liberal audience, with nearly 50%. But, the fact that the Dems would rather watch Fox News than CNN, is just another example of how far the Jeff Zucker run network has fallen.

Fox CEO Lachlan Murdoch says that Fox News has the lock on Indenpents as well. During this week’s earnings call, Murdoch said, “We have more independents watching Fox News than anyone else.”

Some Dems might be hate-watching Tucker Carlson, but they are watching.

H/T The Hill