Missing in Phoenix Day 2

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For the second straight day, KSAZ Anchor Kari Lake was not on the station’s newscast (see picture).

FTVLive reported FIRST on Monday that Lake was caught on a live mic while streaming saying, “Fuck Them!” while complaining that station management made her delete a link to the alt-right social media site Parler.

The video of Lake dropping the F-bomb has been viewed over 100,000 times.

Lake has gone silent on Twitter, expect to retweet a conservative political consultant who showed support for her.

Constantin Querard describes himself as a “proud member of the vast right wing conspiracy” tweeted his support for Lake while saying that she is “not one of us”, Lake retweeted a portion of his Twitter stream:

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So, Querard believes that everyone in TV news is a “leftist” and Lake is just not as leftist as everyone else.

But, Querard shows his ignorance to local news and like many, paints local news with the cable news brush.

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Other than Sinclair stations, which load their newscasts with opinion, local news does not have “hosts delivering op ed commentaries” as this guy says.

There is no doubt that cable news has done more to hurt the reputation of local TV news than anything else.

Of course, one could argue that Kari Lake has hurt local TV news reputation as well.

As to her future at the station?

It is a guess that she has been suspended and not fired from KSAZ.

Many on Reddit are calling for Lake to be fired and one poster to Reddit gives this take:

No... and that is exactly the point. This how she reacted to a simple reminder to keep it journalistically professional.

So it gives you about 20 seconds of clear insight to her radical-right state of mind. She has gone from being reprimanded for her political social media posts to now having to be "checked" in studio about her behavior and personal views.

Seriously, anyone who uses parlor knows and understands they are making a very public statement on their political ideology. We aren't talking deep seated responsible Republican values here... we are talking Hate Speach and mind bending Alex Jones, Info Wars kind of propaganda and out right falsehoods.

She and people like her should never be put in what is supposed to be a public and unbiased forum.

On a side note: i loved Hooks demeanor, calmly adjusting his clothing while telling her basically to STFU, in what was clearly a situation he finds himself in repetitively with her. It was just too smooth a delivery to be a one-off.

The station is not commenting because….you know…. the communications business, but if Lake was fired, they likely would have said she is no longer with the station. The idea that they are staying mum, makes us believe that she has been suspended.

She should be fired, but I don’t think The Firm has the guts to do it.

Time will tell if our instincts are correct.