Photog Gives Up His Shoes While On a Live Shot


Why is this Tulsa News Photographer working in the cold without shoes?

While Donald Trump likes to call the media the enemy of the people, we would like to share this from Tulsa.

KOTV Photographer Jerome Akintunde was doing a live shot outside the Tulsa County Jail with Reporter Reagan Ledbetter.

We’ll let Ledbetter pick up the story and the selfless act by Akintunde.

Here is what Ledbetter posted to social media.

I have a story I want to tell.... He doesn’t know I’m posting this (I’m sure he doesn’t want me to because he doesn’t want the attention) but I am going to brag on my photographer and friend.

I just witnessed true KINDNESS. This morning at 7:30 my photographer and I finished up our last live shot of the morning (very cold morning) at the Tulsa County Jail. Like any morning we started to put away the lights, the camera and the rest of the gear in the car, so we could hop inside and warm up.

All of a sudden my photographer started walking towards the entrance of the jail (I thought he was throwing away some trash). After I put the gear in the car I look over and I see him talking to a man in shorts and a t-shirt, with no shoes on...just socks. He just got out of jail minutes earlier. It was 25 degrees outside.

That’s when all of a sudden I noticed my photographer take his shoes off... then he slid them over to the shivering man. The man put them on. I saw him say “thank you” and my photographer walked back to our car. As he walked up, I looked at him and said “did you just give away your shoes?” ... he looks at me and says “he needed them more than me. It’s cold out here.”

I asked the man if I could take his picture with his new shoes and he said yes, smiled and says “God bless you guys!”

Thank you Jerome. Thank you for setting an example of kindness and selflessness. You made me want to be a better person this morning.

Enemy of the people my ass!
