OKC Weather Anchor Proudly Kills Defenseless Animal

KWTV (OKC) Meteorologist Lacey Swope is off the air after a shooting incident. 

It seems Swope was hurt, not by someone shooting at her, but by her shooting a gun. It seems Swope decided to shoot some hogs on her land (yes this is Oklahoma) and when she fired at the defenseless animal, the gun kicked bak and the scope caught her right between the eyes. 

She talked about the incident of her Facebook page: 

"Wanna know what NOT to do? Don't shoot your gun of 12 years and let the scope kiss your forehead! Scopes don't kiss, they bite! Dumb slip that landed me four stitches on the ol' noggin. Good news: thanks to that shot we have one less feral hog on our land. Still have dozens more that have to go."

She also posted pictures of her posing with the dead animal that she killed. That did not sit well with some viewers, but Swope said she was happy to kill the mother hog. 

FTVLive has deer that prance onto our backyard and love eating the orange blossoms off the orange tree. The only way we shoot the deer is with a camera. We never once thought of killing the deer and they are welcome anytime. 

No word if KWTV will turn their Animal Killing Weather Anchor into a news promo.