Long Week...

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I have to be honest, I wasn't sure that Friday was ever going to get here. 

This week started out with Hurricane Irma stopping by and it just seemed like it was never going to end. Life is fairly close to being back to normal (or what we call normal) here at the FTVLive World HQ. But, for many here in Florida, they have a long way to go.

Many are still without power and way too many have lost their homes. I know people beg for money all the time and I don't want to do that. But if you can spare a couple of bucks, here's the link to the Red Cross donation page.  If you can help out, that would be great. 

Many stations went all out to help the victims of Harvey, but here in Florida, we are a bit of an afterthought. You have not read anything about TV groups stepping up to donate money like you did for Texas. Florida could really use the help as well. 

Yesterday, I drove just a few miles from my house and saw people's homes that still had standing water inside them. It's heartbreaking to see, and yet, these are some of the lucky people. 

Days after the storm. we are seeing stories of people dying in nursing homes and so many sad stories. 

If you can spare a couple of bucks, please do so. I appreciate it.

Now, let's do some news....