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CBS 60 Minutes ran a two-segment interview with porn star Stormy Daniels discussing her alleged affair with President Trump. Full transcript here. 

Social media blew up with both sides took to social media to post their thoughts and either chastise or defend Trump. 

The idea that President Trump had an affair while married and just having a kid is the stuff that had viewers tuned in. But, it's the cover-up and the payoff which could be the much bigger problem for Trump. 

With any other President, this is a story that would be front and center for months and months. With Trump, it will be surprising if anyone is talking about it by the end of the week. 

Many waited to see what Trump would say on social media about the 60 Minutes story?

Early this morning, the President tweeted out this. 

Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 3.33.44 AM.png

"Everybody is talking"? Ummmm....yeah I don't think so.

Everybody is talking about Stormy and they are not discussing the weather.

But, nice try Mr. President.