Good Debate is Great

FTVLive added the new comments link below stories and we hope that it is something that sticks around. 

Sure, there are a few trolls that have found the link and post pure hate and do so with an anonymous name, but most of you are sharing your thoughts and opinion in a respectful and professional way. 

On Friday, FTVLive posted two stories that got over 50 comments between them. 

The first story was our take, asking why stations put in so much time and effort with Facebook and getting "likes" instead of spending that time and money on their own website?

I still think using Facebook is fine, but it should not be a focus of so much effort. 

Many of you agreed with my comments and a number of you did not.

That's awesome!

I don't think for a second that my way is the only way. I love that people think differently and are passionate about it. 

By the way, it should be pointed out that on Friday, after FTVLive posted the story, Facebook came out and said that they would start downplaying stories from TV stations on people's news feeds. 

Which gets right to my point that TV stations are at the whim of Mark Zuckerberg. Work on the digital space you own, not the one that you have no control over. 

Debate is great and I love the back and forth with people making their case for what they believe. 

The second story was about the Reporter that posted a picture of her sucking on a popsicle while dressed in a bikini.

A number of comments thought we were on the mark and others thought we were way off.

People say, shouldn't she be allowed to live her life and go to to the beach in a bikini?

Of course, she should, but does she need to post a pic? How many pics have you seen of Diane Sawyer or Jane Pauley sucking on a popsicle in a bikini?  This isn't the first time she posted some suggestive content either.  

Some said that FTVLive only posts stories of women wearing bikini's and we save nothing when male Journalist go shirtless and post pictures. Well, I guess this story is just a figment of our imagination. 

If you choose to be a Journalist, your credibility is the most important thing you have. Yes, the rules are different for you than they are for a bank teller or an accountant. 

Again, I love the debate, but my mind has not changed. Yes you can live your life and enjoy the hell out of it. But, when it comes to the popsicle, bikini pics, keep them off the public media. 

At least while you are still working in TV news. 

Keep the comments coming, I hope it continues to be respectful and professional and that the trolls just go away. 

Time will tell if it sticks around.