Sinclair to Barf Up More Boris

It appears that Sinclair is going to up Boris Epshteyn's "must run" segments to nine times a week. 

Currently the company forces it's stations to run Epshteyn's right wing commentaries just 3 times a week. 

But, now Politico reports that the company bosses are will now triple in frequency, featuring a mix of his political commentary as well as "talk backs" with local stations and interviews with members of Congress.

So is Boris getting more air time?

Because Sinclair has sold a sponsorship and that means that Boris' bullshit (my name, not Sinclair's) will now be sponsored. 

Of course with more air time, it means that Boris is going to have to go to JC Penny's and buy a few new suits. 

It's getting to the point where Sinclair is ordering up so many "must run" segments that there is barely time for news. 

You know what that means? 

Less Reporters are needed.

It's a win-win....right Sinclair?