Don't Look Now, But Someone Just Stole Our News Truck

A news crew for KOB in Albuquerque were a bit surprised to see their own news car being driven away from the scene of a story they were covering. 

A thief made off with the KOB news car while the crew was shooting footage at a crime scene. 

KOB News Director Michelle Donaldson said the crew watched as the vehicle was driving off from their location. 

The crew was in the area reporting ironically on recent concerns about crime and safety by the local business when their truck was stolen. 

“I have a rule, that you can never be the lead of your own newscast,” Donaldson said. “So this violates that rule.”

Still, not sure that a car being stolen should be leading a newscast? But hey, in this day and time of "all about me TV" it doesn't surprise us that KOB made this their lead story. 

KOB recovered the vehicle within a half hour without police assistance by following the GPS tracking device that was on board, she said.

“We went to that location and recovered our own stolen vehicle,” Donaldson said.

She said the thief was no longer with the SUV and it had already been damaged. The SUV was locked and the keys were not left inside. Donaldson said she is not sure how the thief started the SUV.

“I’m relieved that our people are OK and I’m relieved that we’ve recovered our property, but I’m very angry that somebody can walk up to a parked, locked, vehicle in front of you in this city and drive it away,” she said. “It’s a helpless feeling to know you can’t do anything about it.”

“When it happens to you it’s personal, no question about it,” she said. “We spend our days telling other people’s stories, now it’s our story.”

"The SUV was locked and the keys were not left inside...." Is KOB really going to stick to that story? 

Just asking......

H/T Albuquerque Journal