Super Bowl Ratings Down

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I did not watch a single second of the Super Bowl or the lead up coverage. 

I knew New England was going to win and as a life long Buffalo Bills fan, I for one did not want to see it. 

"But Scott, you missed maybe the best Super Bowl game every played!"

Really? Did New England win?


I didn't miss shit then. 

Anyway, I wasn't the only one to tune out this year. The overnight ratings show that the big game pulled in a 48.8 rating.

That number is down from last year (49.0) and the year before (49.7). 

It's a huge number, but it still shows that the NFL might have peaked as it suffered ratings losses most of the season. Either that, or people don't like watching a cheater like Bill Belichick win another championship. 

I'm happy I can say, I completely missed it.