We're Sorry He Wasn't Fired Like he Should have Been

Donald Trump called for the Washington Post to fire Political Reporter Dave Weigel for posting a not so correct story on Twitter. 

Of course, if everyone that posted "fake news" on Twitter was fired, Donald Trump himself would be out of a job. 

Trump wants Weigel whacked over a misleading tweet about the size of the crowd at a rally for the president on Friday in Pensacola, Fla.

The photo was taken before the rally and as the rally started, the venue was much more full. 

As everyone knows, when it comes to size....well.... trump is very sensitive. So he says that Weigel needs to be fired. 

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Well. when Trump wants someone fired, for many at Fox News that is as good as done. 

So, Fox News host Leland Vittert reported that Weigel was done and gone from the WaPo, but there was one small problem. 

No word if Trump will call on Leland Vittert to be fired at Fox News for his mistake, but we're guessing he won't.