Hating on FTVLive


Back in July, FTVLive wrote a story about how KPNX Weather Anchor and big time pitch person Kristen Keogh was sick of getting hate messages on Facebook.

She said that opening up her Facebook messenger has given her PTSD and she starts crying. 

Our advice to her was stop going on Facebook. But, she said that despite all the nasty messages, she is still going to check Facebook messenger because she gets an "occasional positive message."

4 months (yes 4 months) after our story, Keogh decided to respond to FTVLive with this: 


I did not twist the story in the least. This is what you wrote back in July: 


Your post said nothing about a man sneaking into the station or following you or any of that. 

You said you hated checking Facebook because of the "disgusting pics and remarks." That is the story we covered and that is the story we wrote. 

We told you, if checking Facebook is really that bad, then don't check it. Seemed like a simple solution. 

As for the people that have stalked you, we never reported on that, because up till now, we never heard anything about it. 

We're hoping that you have filed police reports and have been able to give the cops information that can lead to an arrest. 

Kristen,  you can try and spin this story all you want. But, if it was me, I would be working with the cops to arrest a man that trespassed in the station, the other man that blocked you on the road and the others that have threatened you with rape on Facebook. 

I would worry less about a post from FTVLive 4 months ago, that reported what you said and even used your post in full. 

You're right, someone is trying to twist the story, but that someone is you. 

Here's the link to FTVLive's orignal story. 

Then Kristen posted another story on Twitter (which she is obviously not afraid to open).... this tweet was a shot at my home decorating of my guest bathroom:  

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Not sure what this has to do with respecting women? Did you want me to get this pic on my shower curtain? 

The photo is part of an art collection called the Fluorescent Palace art collective pairs iconic fashion, a party atmosphere, and the aesthetics of architecture with digital design to create a new generation of photo Pop Art. 

If you are going to wage a war on me over my respect for women and my fight for women's rights, it is going to be a tough battle.

I stand behind my record, my actions and all the people that will line up behind me in this regard.

Call me an asshole, a jerk, an idiot, but the brush you are trying to paint me with is not going to fly with the people that read FTVLive. They know where I stand on my support for women. 

I tried to point out to Keogh that trying to call me out for not supporting women was not the way to go. FTVLive readers know that I have strongly supported women in this business and will continue to do so. I have done countless stories on FTVLive to show that. 

I sent this tweet to Keogh: 

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She replied back with this: 

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Threat? Where the hell was the threat?

I was trying to tell her she should try a different approach to her attack on me. The sexist approach is just way too far off base. 

Sadly, if Keogh thinks that what I tweeted was a threat, then it brings all of her other posts into question as well, since she seems to have a problem comprehending things. 

By the way, word is that her station is looking for her replacement.

Do you think this is what has brought all her anger on? Why wait 4 months to respond to a post. 

And where is her response to this story, or this one, or how about this?

Kristen Keogh you have an open invitation to come on the FTVLive Netcast to air your grievances against me and this website. 

Let me know if you want to do it and I will set up a time with you.