Reporter Outed as Racist Reddit Troll


Reddit user UncleSam4200 used to brag about being a Washington reporter and even joked that his career would be in hot water if he was ever outed, but expressed doubt that he’d ever be found out.

Mediaite says that UncleSam4200 and Donald Trump supporter is named Josh Fatzick — and is employed by Voice of America, the government’s overseas news broadcast.

Fatzick has since deleted his account in which he used to post racist, homophobic and transphobic slurs.

He would “jokingly” refer to black people as “apes” and call people he disagreed with “f*ggot” and “tr*nny.”

Using information about his college, sports preferences and former employment at the right-wing Daily Caller website, Mediaite tracked Fatzick down — and discovered that he often made his bigoted posts and comments while working his taxpayer-subsidized job.

“That’s why I have a job where I can spend most of my day making mindless Reddit comments,” he reportedly admitted.

Fatzick apparently used to enjoy criticizing liberal media figures, a harkening back to his days at the Caller.

“OF F*CKING COURSE Affirmative Action April has to start screeching like a god damn caged gorilla at the first mention of African Americans,” he wrote once, referencing veteran White House correspondent April Ryan.

Not sure how long the VOA will keep him employed, but we're sure that Sean Hannity has a spot for him over at his show. 

H/T Raw Story