Well This is Awkward...

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 KREM (Spokane, WA.) has hired a relatively new Reporter named Danamarie McNicholl.

She is the perfect TV Reporter in Today's times, not a lot of experience, but she is a former finalist for the Miss Washington pageant.

Well, along with being a Reporter at KREM, she is also a TV commercial model. And this is where it gets awkward. McNicholl is in an ad for the local mall and those ads play on KREM. 

In fact, sources tell FTVLive that the ads have appeared in the newscast. It seems that Tegna did not want to piss off the advertiser, so they have allowed the ads to run while McNicholl appears as a Reporter in the newscast. 

What is KREM going to do if there is ever a major hard news story at the mall?  Will they really be able to send the former face of the mall to cover that story?!  

And the worst part? 

The ad is so cheesy, you might throw up.  

If you haven't eaten recently, take a look.