Sinclair: No Discussions with Bill O'Reilly


There were whispers that Bill O'Reilly might be headed to Sinclair. 

There is no doubt that O'Reilly and Sinclair's politics line up perfectly and their hatred for the left is equally shared. 

But, Sinclair is notoriously cheap and their product is often amateurish and low budget. It doesn't sound like a place O'Reilly would want to hang his hat. 

But, it's also not like people are beating down his door to sign him either. So, maybe the cheap and the outcast would have made a good fit. 

But then word came out that O'Reilly paid off a former Fox News employee $32 million bucks to keep quiet about his sexual misconduct. 

At that point, Sinclair said, "Sinclair is not in discussions with Mr. O'Reilly..."

It appears even Sinclair has turned their back on Bill O'Reilly.

How the mighty have fallen.