No! ....This is Really Happening in a Cleveland Newsroom?

WOIO (Cleveland) has sent out a "tip sheet" to staffers in the newsroom, so they know how to stay on brand and who the newscast is directed towards. 

Now, if you are wondering what viewer Cleveland 19 News is the station's prime target, we now know. 

The station is gearing coverage to white women 35-49 that are not well educated. 

Management has posted "Getting Answers Checklist" around the building, so staff will know exactly who the story is geared to and how to stay on brand.

Seriously?! Are they paying people for this crap? 

Anyway, it seems the dumb white women enjoy Anchors that work together, which is now classified as  "Anchor moments." Kind of makes you warm all over doesn't it? 

Also, to remind staffers who the news is geared to, the station has posted pictures (see above) around the station of middle age white women drinking coffee, hugging other women and hanging out with their kids. 

Here is a look at "Getting Answers Checklist", just be warned you might not want to read this on a full stomach, you you might have an "Anchor Moment" all over yourself: