M-I-A New York Anchor Has Return Date

FTVLive FIRST told you that WCBS Anchor Dana Tyler went missing from the air just as the February book got started. 

In April we followed up that she still had not been back on the air and sources were saying that it was due to her break up with longtime boyfriend and musician Phil Collins.

Now, two weeks into the May book and Tyler has still not been on the air. 

Sources tell FTVLive that WCBS has set a return date for Tyler and it is expected to happen before the May book is over. "There's a date set before end of month but could change," says a WCBS insider to FTVLive.

Many viewers have emailed and called the station asking about Tyler and her return? 

"You may get over the flu in a week, but a broken heart can take much longer," said another WCBS staffer that is a big fan of Tyler's.

Stay tuned....