I Need Air

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We told you a few days ago that our laptop had given up the ghost and we are in the market for a new one.

We asked FTVLive readers if you would like to help us buy a new MacBook Air so we will be able to update this website while we are on the road.

We set up a donation page and we are only a couple of hundred bucks away from raising enough money to get back in business when we are away from the FTVLive World HQ.

Again, I want to thank those of you that saw in your hearts to throw a few dollars our way. Donations have ranged from $5 to $150 and we appreciate each one.

A couple of people sent us Apple gift cards (see picture) instead of cash. That works! 

I really am humbled by those of you that decided to donate. Thanks again!

If you want to help get us to our goal, click on the button below to donate.