Could Burnett be Next at CNN?


CNN boss Jeff Zucker has finally gotten around to pulling the plug on Piers Morgan's show and now people wonder who could be next?

Zucker likes Erin Burnett, but her "OutFront" show on CNN isn't out front of anybody in the ratings.

Burnett came back from maternity leave, got a new EP for her show and other changes are happening behind the scenes. But, the ratings have not been good.

On Monday night, Burnett sat down with right wing rocker Ted Nugent. CNN promoted the hell out of the interview and it still didn't move the ratings needle.

OutFront finished a distant 3rd in the ratings, behind Greta on Fox and Matthews' Hardball on MSNBC.


Then last night, Burnett's guest was Ted Nugent's brother.


Ted's brother came on the show to say that Ted says some crazy things and should not be taken seriously. Which begs the question, Why did CNN have him on?

There is no doubt that OutFront is a ratings dud and Zucker needs to make some changes quick. If for no other reason that the show is running out of Ted Nugent family members to bring on.

Stay tuned....