2014 Goes Down as the Year CNN Stopped Doing News

As FTVLive told you a few days ago, Fox News wins the cable news ratings for the 13th consecutive year.

CNN and MSNBC were both down with MSNBC down over 20% in the demo alone. CNN had it's worst Primetime ratings ever.

CNN's Brian Stelter believes that networks like his need to do less news and focus more on Films and Documentaries to grow an audience:

We could not disagree more.

Stelter's first part of his tweet is dead on, "news conquers all" and we would argue that doing TV news correctly will bring in viewers more than documentaries on gay cowboys or fish.

There is no doubt that in his tweet, Stelter is just parroting his boss Jeff Zucker, something that many insiders say he does quite often.

We say do news correctly and not missing plane and Don Lemon crap and you can get the viewers back.

News conquers all when it is done correctly. We truly believe that.

Just saying....