Top of the Heap

There was a time when major news broke; viewers would automatically turn to CNN.

But those days are long gone.

When Donald Trump became the first former U.S. President to be indicted, not once, but twice (and maybe more), viewers didn’t tune to CNN.

MSNBC was at the top of the cable ratings heap. MSNBC owned the ratings between 8 and 11 p.m. in total viewers and the key 25-54 age demographic.

MSNBC had 2.43 million total viewers, Fox News was second with 2.15 million viewers, and more than a million behind you found CNN with just 1.13 million.

CNN continues to shed viewers, and MSNBC continues to reap the benefits.

Fox News is starting to regain the viewers that they lost after sacking the king of hate night TV, Tucker Carlson.

You can expect the cable news networks to cover Trump ad nauseam as the case winds through the courts.

My guess if the viewers didn’t suffer from Trump fatigue before, that will certainly happen after this.