They Killed Eyewitness News

Starting Today, “Eyewitness News” on KYW in Philly is dead.

In a move by corporate overlords who want “branding” and “synergy” or whatever crap they want to call it, Philly’s Eyewitness News will become CBS News Philadelphia.

Oh boy….

The station will change its name and it come with new graphics and colors, a new approach to reporting and storytelling, and a reconfigured newscast structure.

And, the station will rocket to the top of the ratings.

Okay, I made that last part up.

It will have no impact in the ratings, money will be spent to make all the changes and re-logo the merch and business cards, but nothing will change.

WPVI will remain No. 1 and KYW will continue to be an also-ran.

sorry, that’s just the truth.