The End of Fox News

We have seen the end of Fox News.

after watching Fox News cover the incident at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagra Falls, it is time for Fox News to drop the “News” portion of their name. Just call it “Fox Opinion” or “Fox Propaganda”, because that is exatly what it has become.

First, I want to point out that I have a deep connection with the Rainbow Bridge that connects the United States with Canada.

Without exaggerating, I would guess that I have crossed that bridge more than a thousand times in my life. I grew up very close to the Rainbow Bridge. I have driven across the bridge, walked across and rode my bike across many times.

There were days in which we crossed the bridge two, three, or more times in a day.

So, when word came of an explosion on the bridge, it was a story I took deep interest in.

I also watched Fox News try and turn it into a political statement and care nothing about the facts.

The ball got rolling at Fox News when “Reporter” Alexis McAdams claimed that she spoke to a “high-level police source” who said it was a “terrorist attack”, and the vehicle contained “a lot of explosives.”

First off, this was a major incident at our country’s border and the fact that McAdams used a single source to call this a “terrorist attack”, she should be fired.

She also said that police were looking for a second vehicle in the “attack.”

In almost every mass-shooting, someone in the media is sure to report that there might be a “second shooter.” There never is one.

But, once McAdams reported that there were a lot of explosives and it was a “terrorist attack,” the Fox News sharks smelled blood in the water and started to run with it.

Here is “journalist” John Roberts blaming “the attack” of possible illegal immigrants.

Fox News started booking guests that would help continue to push the terrorist narative, despite the fact that this was NOT a terrorist attack.

They brought on former Trump Administration spokesperson, Morgan Ortagus, who said this: “I was there back in 2007. VBIEDs—essentially, this is what it was, a vehicle IED, what we are reporting that this car was laden with—and that is something that was a hallmark in both Iraq and Afghanistan .. This is a hallmark of terrorist groups. We saw both Sunni and Shia terrorist groups using this..”

A former Homeland Security adviser under Bush was brought on the air to say the incident could have been carried out by “jihadists or a lone wolf”, citing Fox's claim that the car was filled with explosives.

Fox and their guests said that “this attack” was all due to Joe Biden and the “open borders.”

Back to John Roberts, who speculated that the car was actually coming from Canada into the United States and began to wonder what was the real target that the terrorists were planning to hit.

The car came from and crashed on the US side of the border.

The story was then handed off to “journalist” Trace Gallagher who started out by saying that the car was packed with a ton” of explosives. The car had no explosives at all. He brought McAdams back on and she continued to push that this was a “terrorist attack.”

Now, if you have seen the video of the car speeding into the border area, you know that no one at the border had any interaction with the people in this vehicle before it crashed. You’re mot going to be talking to a driver that is airborne and is about to crash into the inspection booths.

But, McAdams went back to citing her “high-ranking” law enforcement official and said the vehicle was told to go into another lane so that they could get a closer look at the vehicle. It was at that point, the vehicle tried to 'veer head-on' into a border patrol building.

This was all crap.

While CNN and MSNBC were doing a solid job covering the story and not deeming it as a car loaded with explosives driven by jihadists, Fox News, hours into the coverage, started to walk back the bullshit that they had been peddling for hours.

Trace Gallagher said, “The car was never on the actual bridge. We're being told that it was one time spotted at a 7-11 and going at a high rate of speed… and that in some capacity, this thing either lost control or deliberately went at a fence and crashed and exploded. We told you earlier that there was an explosion because there were explosives inside the car. Authorities are apparently walking that back just a little bit saying it's unclear if there were explosives or how many explosives… Is there a potential that this thing was going at such a high rate of speed that it was going towards the bridge that might possibly— it had maybe few explosives or no explosives and still created this explosive event at the bridge?”

McAdams then changed her story from a “terrorist attack” to it was a stolen car. That also was bullshit.

Hours after Fox News pushed a completely bogus story to its viewers, they wrapped it up with this.

Still, blaming it on Joe Biden and the open borders.

The truth of the matter is that Fox News made up a story and pushed out false narratives for hours.

It was their chance to push their right-wing agenda and use false claims in an effort to make President Biden look bad.

What this incident really showed is that Fox News no longer has any interest in doing real journalism and can’t be trusted for giving us any semblance of the truth.

RIP Fox News, it is time to take the News out of your title, you’re done.