Whoa! This Can't Be Good...

This is something that should send shudders down the backs of media executives.

Arkansas State University is phasing out its MMJ journalism degree due to low enrollment.

The University says that its accredited multimedia journalism (MMJ) program will be no more after Spring 2027. 

Students currently enrolled in the program will remain enrolled and will continue in the path of that degree. Students coming in Spring 2024 cannot select it as a major due to it being phased out. 

Enrollment in the MMJ program has been on a steady decline. For Fall 2023, there are 20 students enrolled in the major.

ASU is one of only two accredited schools for journalism in the state.

The problem….as media companies are paying MMJ’s nearly minimum wage, kids are not electing to pursue a career in TV news. What happens is you end up with the kids who just want to be on TV, take selfies, and post dance videos but have no interest in being a real Journalist.

Media companies must increase the salary ranges to attract strong, qualified Journalists.

When schools start ending J-school programs, that should be a major warning sign that you need to step up.