Pittsburgh Anchor Takes Mental Health Day

KDKA (Pittsburgh) Meteorologist Falicia Woody says that she decided to call in sick on Saturday morning.

Woody says that she needed a “mental health day” and decided, upon waking up to take one on Saturday.

I don’t disagree with what she wrote, but….

When I was a News Director, I told the staff that there are times when you need a “sick of it” day. You are really sick, but you are “sick of it.” Back in those days, no one talked of “mental health”, but a “sick of it day” was basically a mental health day.

I would tell the staff that if you felt like you needed a day off, just let me know with enough time to schedule someone to cover your shift.

Woody called out at 3 AM and that means the station had to wake up someone up in the middle of the night to come to work.

I get that you need a day, but I implore everyone before you do that, try to give the station enough time to fill the hole.

If your boss doesn’t believe in a day off to reset, get out when you can and find a boss that does.

Here’s Woody’s post.