Vegas Reporter Stabbed to Death Outside of His Home

A top Las Vegas Reporter was found stabbed to death outside his home.

Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German was found outside his home on Saturday morning after being stabbed.

German a top Reporter for the past 40 years was known for breaking big stories about everything from organized crime and government malfeasance to political scandals and the Oct. 1 mass shooting.

Police responded to the scene around 10:30 a.m. Saturday after a person called 911 saying a neighbor was dead on the side of the victim’s house.

“We believe the altercation took place outside of the home,” police said.

“The Review-Journal family is devastated to lose Jeff,” Executive Editor Glenn Cook said. “He was the gold standard of the news business. It’s hard to imagine what Las Vegas would be like today without his many years of shining a bright light on dark places.”

H/T Las Vegas Review-Journal