So Much For the Slam Dunk, Huh Sean...

Back when Covington High School student Nick Sandmann sued a number of media outlets claiming they defamed him, Sean Hannity went on Fox News and said that Sandmann’s suit was “slam dunk.”

Speaking about Sandmann and his attorney Lin Wood, Hannity said, ““Lin Wood is going to destroy every one of these big media outlets!”

“I guarantee you,” he added. “It is a slam dunk! And they will all pay.”

Well, the judge in the case tossed out Sandmann's defamation lawsuit against 5 news outlets, adding that some of his legal arguments were "without merit”.

If you’re waiting to Hannity to issue a correction about the case being a “slam dunk” I think you will be waiting a very, very long time.

Also, speaking of Sean Hannity, the then-acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller testified under oath that Donald Trump DID NOT authorize the use of the National Guard on January 6th.

Hannity claims that he has Miller on his show saying that Trump did do that.

But, you see, here’s the thing, there is no penalty for lying on Sean Hannity’s show. But, there is a very big penalty for lying under oath.

Miller know that and when he was under oath, he told the truth.

I’m sure that Hannity will correct that as well on tonight’s show.
