Is Anyone Surprised?

Fox News anchor Julie Banderas, who FTVLive likes, spilled a little bit of tea about one of her Fox News colleagues.

Banderas revealed that one of her former male co-workers confided in her that he’d never “marry a fat girl” because he wanted only “hot kids.”

On the show Outnumbered, Banderas said “So I had a former male colleague, I won’t name his name because then he would be ruined forever, but guys tend to open up to me for some reason—they think I’m like a dude,” she began. “He told me that he’d only marry someone who was hot because he wants to have hot kids. He wouldn’t marry a fat girl—I’m not kidding, this actually came out of the mouth of a man to me.”

The ironic part of this isn’t the fact that some guy at Fox News said this, you almost expect it.

The irony I saw was when co-host Kayleigh McEnany replied with “wow” after hearing Banderas’ story. McEnany said that it was “gross” and “shallow.”

Wait! This is the same Kayleigh McEnany that worked for Donald Trump…..right?