Chris Cuomo: This is Not How I Wanted It to End

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that CNN finally got around to what they should have done weeks ago and that is fire host Chris Cuomo.

Cuomo cast his journalistic integrity to the trash heap while trying to help his bother Andrew sidestep a number of accusations against him.

As voices grew louder for CNN to ditch Cuomo, CNN boss Jeff Zucker stood by and did nothing.

That was until a story dropped in the NY Times that outlined just how big a part Chris played in helping the then NY Governor.

It was only then that Zucker took action and suspended Cuomo and then in a weekend news dump, fired him on a Saturday afternoon.

On Saturday night, just after 5 PM, CNN PR released a statement:

Cuomo later followed up with his own statement about getting sacked:

Both Cuomo brothers felt as if the rules did not apply to them and they both appeared to enjoy pushing their weight around.

But, the clock ran out of Andrew, and now it has done the same to Chris.

The Cuomo dynasty has collapsed into a pile of ashes and many would say it is about damn time.