You Left Something Out of the Story

The NY Times dropped a bombshell of a story on Sunday that showed that you and I paid a lot more in taxes than the President of the United States.

The Times story showed that Trump clearly had nowhere near the money he claimed to have and some are labeling Trump the “fake billionaire.”

While the Times story appears to be solid journalism with facts checked and records cited, there was a sidebar story by Times TV Reporter James Poniewozik that has a glaring omission.

This is the headline posted on the Times website:

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In the story, Poniewozik starts off by saying,

Donald J. Trump’s greatest success as a businessman, it turns out, was playing one on TV.

It’s always been obvious that hosting “The Apprentice” was crucial to the president’s eventual political fortunes. But as a Times investigation into more than two decades of his tax data details, the NBC reality show was also the better part of his actual fortune.

The story continues to talk about how important NBC’s “The Apprentice” was for Trump both in bringing in money and giving him the publicity he craved.

According to records, Trump made $427M from NBC's “The Apprentice.”

The show basically gave Trump enough credibility to help get him elected as the President.

What Poniewozik never does mention in the story is the person that put Trump’s Apprentice on the air. That person was Jeff Zucker, now the guy that is ruining CNN.

Doesn’t it seem odd that while Zucker played a huge part of giving Trump a platform that helped land him in the White House, Poniewozik doesn’t even mention him?

“I wonder if he's trying to get hired by Zucker like former CNN apologist turned network lackey Bill Carter did,” said one cable news insider.

If Trump gets re-elected in November, you can blame much of that on Fox News. But, the fact that he got elected in the first place, that blame goes to Jeff Zucker.

Yet, Poniewozik never even mentioned him.