The Inbox....

Yesterday, FTVLive showed you how KRIV (Houston) Reporter Ivory Hecker claimed that Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were “censoring” a local doctor that was giving debunked information about the coronavirus and its cure.

One TV newsie emailed FTVLive with his thoughts on Hecker and her claims:


Hope all is well with you in the midst of a COVID-19 incubator. 

I cannot believe this Ivory Hecker is so happy playing a game of How Much Can I Shoot My Journalist Integrity in the Foot regarding this quack doctor's video. Let's count the rounds: 

Shot 1: You fire shots at Facebook, Twitter & YouTube for taking down the video which falsely says an anti-malaria drug is a COVID-19 cure when this has been clearly proven not to be the case. You seem to have forgotten that claims like this led to those two sycophants Diamond & Silk being suspended by Twitter & given the boot by Fox News in April. 

Shot 2: You claim the 3 are censoring the video and that you have interviews with people at the medical center and will post it "whenever it's available", which sounds more like "as soon as I can edit it to possibly add to my resume for the Mothership so I can take Heather Childers' old spot".

Shot 3: You try to suggest to your "followers" that they should follow an alternative social media site (sounding more and more like pimping yourself out on Parler without directly referencing it by name) and showing a seriously unhealthy bias in an industry that has been attacked mercilessly by the current Administration. 

It's somewhat appropriate that a specific letter is missing from Ivory Hecker's last name because in this case she is taking a MASSIVE L on her integrity. 

As for Hecker, she took to social media and hopes that more Journalists will take her lead and be more like her.

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Our advice to any Journalists looking to be like Hecker:
