Sinclair Caves, Pulls Plug Bolling's Conspiracy Show

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At 5:35 AM on Friday Morning, FTVLive posted a story that the Sinclair Broadcast Group was planning on airing a show host by disgraced Fox News host Eric Bolling.

In that show, Bolling was giving a guest time on the show that said that Dr. Anthony Fauci had created the coronavirus and paid to have it shipped to China.

Hours after FTVLive posted the story, CNN and other websites also picked up on the Sinclair story.

Sinclair had plans to air the show on their stations across the country this weekend.

Insiders tell FTVLive that Sinclair and Bolling had hoped that the continuation of trying to discredit Fauci would help President Donald Trump and his sagging polls when it comes to his reelection.

Trump’s polls have hit bottom after his bumbling of the coronavirus pandemic from the start.

After the blowback on their conspiracy show, Sinclair folded like a lawn chair, said they were going to “delay” Bolling’s show and air a repeat.

The company took to Twitter and tried to back peddle fast from the conspiracy theorist that was featured in the show.

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But even though Sinclair has delayed the show, they tried to then say they both sides of the story.

If you thought it was fair, why are pulling the plug?

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As for “free speech”, yes this “Dr.” Mikovitz is free to spout her complete bullshit, but that doesn’t mean you as an FCC broadcaster should be giving her a wider audience to do so.

As part of “free speech” are you going to let Bolling bring on the grand wizard of the KKK and let him tell you how awful Black people are and call them racial slurs? That’s “free speech” as well, but I would hope that Sinclair would not do something like that.

Sinclair then sent a few more tweets, trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, saying that they are looking to edit Bolling’s show (although I thought you said you had both sides?). They also said that they are taking COVID-19 seriously and that they support Dr. Fauci.

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Here’s Sinclair’s Bolling, “showing his full” support for Dr. Fauci on Twitter:

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The Shit-Show in this case is Sinclair and Eric Bolling.

FTVLive will have more on this story on Monday’s FTVLive.

In the meantime, if you want to stay safe during this global pandemic, my advice is not to tune Into your local Sinclair station and maybe look for a must trusted outlet that is not trying to push their agenda.

Just saying….