Fox News: The Mitts are Off When it comes to Romney


Utah Senator Mitt Romney went with his heart and came out and said that he would vote to convict Trump in the impeachment case against him.

It was just another turn in a trial that did not include witnesses and was ramrodded through the Senate by Mitch McConnell and a number of other Trump puppets.

And speaking of Trump puppets, many at Fox News went off on Romney for having the guts to go against Trump and the GOP, which almost every other Republican Senator would not do.

Fox News top dog and Trump lapdog, Sean Hannity said that "Clearly, losing a presidential election ruins people,” taking of Romney’s failed presidential run.

Laura Ingraham said she was thinking about moving to Utah so she could vote against him in the next election.

Fox News’ cray uncle Lou Dobbs, "Romney is going to be associated with Judas, Brutus, Benedict Arnold forever.”

The Eddie Haskel of Fox News, Tucker Carlson refused to use Romney’s name while talking about him standing against the President.

The message was clear to anyone politician in the Republican Party, you go against Donald Trump and Fox News is going to reign blow upon blow on you.

This was not so much as the Fox News talent attacking Mitt Romney as it was them sending a message, don’t mess with our boy.

This was a scare tactic and it should scare the hell out of the public as to what is happening.

If Fox News was a legit cable news channel, the story would have been reported from both sides and the viewers would be left to make up their minds as to what Romney did was right or wrong?

But, instead, you have a power cable channel that is telling viewers what they should think, how they should act and telling politicians to fall in line, or else.

This is the country that we live in.

This is a country that is so divided that it will likely never be whole ever again.

I don’t know about you, but right now, America is far from being great.
