Sinclair Throws Trump a Bone

An internal memo went out to the employees at the Sinclair stations from VP of News Scott Livingston.

In the memo, Livingston laid down new guidelines as to how they will refer to President-Elect Joe Biden.

Here is the memo, obtained by FTVLive:

Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 4.23.19 AM.png

I’m not going to knock Sinclair on this one, as they are staying true to the facts.

But, so far Trump’s lawsuits contesting the results have gone 0-10 in the courts. So, it would seem that Sinclair is giving a bit of legitimacy to Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud. There is no evidence of that at this point.

Sinclair is not wrong in what they are asking, but I do have to wonder if the shoe was on the other foot with Joe Biden, would they have done the same thing?
