Reporting While Black

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A women called the cops because a news crew from WGCL (Atlanta) was in neighborhood.

It seems that the problem was that the news crew from the Meredith station was black and the neighborhood was mostly white.

WGCL Reporter Aiyana Cristal talked about the cops being called on her.

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I watched the story that the Atlanta station did and I was prepared to be outraged at the woman that called the police for being a racist.

The woman might very well be a racist, I can’t look into her soul.

But, after watching the story, this was a woman that called police after a unmarked car was sitting in her neighborhood, taking pictures of a house.

“Why does she have a right to know who’s in that vehicle,? said WGCL Anchor Sharon Reed after the story aired.

The cops are the ones that should be called out. They pulled out and demanding to see multiple forms of ID from a news crew that under the law did not have to show them anything.

I was ready to slam the woman that called the police on the crew, but I can’t. It seems she was a nosey neighbor that saw a strange car sitting in front of the house and called police.

If I pulled up in front of Sharon Reed’s house and pointed a camera are her front door, I think she might have some questions as well.

As for Cristal and the news crew, they did nothing wrong. But, I think the station is making much more out of this and trying to turn it into something more.

This was a sweeps hype story that really did not have to air.

You can watch the story here and decide for yourself.