MSNBC Host Claims Hack, But...

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They always say that the cover up is worse than the crime. 

MSNBC's Joy Reid has been called out for posting anti-gay material to her now-defunct blog.

Reid claimed that she did not make the post and that she was "hacked."

But, in a statement the Internet Archive, which maintains a digital archive of websites called the Wayback Machine, said that it had investigated the liberal commentator’s assertion in December 2017, following a request from her attorneys.

“When we reviewed the archives, we found nothing to indicate tampering or hacking of the Wayback Machine versions,” read the statement attributed to Internet Archive officer manager Chris Butler. “At least some of the examples of allegedly fraudulent posts provided to us had been archived at different dates and by different entities.”

The newly surfaced posts, from 2005–2007, make reference to Anderson Cooper — who came out in 2012 — as “the gayest thing on TV,” state that “most straight people cringe at the sight of two men kissing,” and recount that the author was unable to attend Brokeback Mountain, a love story about two cowboys, because she “didn’t want to watch the two male characters having sex.”

Reid first publicly claimed that an “external actor” had “gained access to and manipulated” her old blog.

But, evidence seems to prove otherwise. 

So far, MSNBC is staying tight lipped about Reid's actions and her claim of being hacked. 

H/T BuzzFeed