Salt Lake Anchor is For Non-Competes

Tell me if you can spot what's wrong here? 


KSTU (Salt Lake City) sent their main Anchor to testify against the bill in the state Senate that would ban non-compete clauses in media people's contract.

KSTU Anchor Bob Evans says reporters, anchors and producers know what they are getting into when they enter the news business, and he says, stations invest a lot of money into the faces on air, “protecting the station’s investment in its people product and credibility is a legitimate concern,” Evans said.

Of course, this is easy for Evans to say, considering he banks a lot more money than the Reporters and Producers at the station. 

And while the station management is more than happy for Evans to speak out against non-competes, the station has told their employees that public support for the bill is “frowned upon.” 

Ummmm.... something isn't right here. 

Let's hope the Utah Senate does not listen to the high paid Anchor and does the right thing and bans non-competes.