Oh Shit...We Got Some Email

A follow up to a couple of stories from yesterday. 

We told you about WJAX (Jacksonville) Reporter Brittney Donovan that used the name "OhShitBritt" on her personal Instagram account. 

We pointed out that it wasn't really the most professional handle to use for a TV Reporter. 

Instead of getting all huffy and screaming at FTVLive, Donovan emailed us, admitted we made a good point and change her IG name.  

Here is her email to FTVLive:

My professional Instagram account is
brittneydonovantv.  Your article today referenced my private account. That said, I should have changed the user name on that account long ago and I accept the fallout – but have changed it today.
Brittney Donovan
Reporter, Action News Jax

It's is always refreshing when someone can say, "hey I screwed up" fix the mistake and move on. Good for her.

The second story we posted, was about Austin Reporter Nicole Cross. She posted a selfie from the press conference on the Austin bombing suspect killing himself. 

We pointed out that it was not the time to be posting selfies. 

Cross also emailed FTVLive: 

I follow your blog and appreciate your candor. I was very surprised to see my picture and story. I know I’m not immune to scrutiny and am just writing to clarify that I know the rules - that’s why I wasn’t smiling. I was not taking a selfie, I was capturing the scene as was the case with the three other pictures you didn’t include. It was taken well BEFORE the press conference, not during or immediately following it. My post even expressed my somber sentiment. Either way, you’re entitled to your interpretation and I will continue to follow your blog because as I said I appreciate your candor. 🙂

Sent from Nicole Cross

Yes, she was not smiling and for that, thank God. But, some stories shouldn't have a selfie at all and this seemed like one of those stories. If you just HAVE to post a picture of yourself, do it while working. Show yourself conducting an interview, taking notes, something. Just standing there looking into the camera at a crime scene, just screams "look at me TV!" 

Nicole, it was far from the worst selfie we have seen for sure, but it might have been better not to have taken this one at all. But, that's just our opinion.

We will say that it was very nice and respectful as to how both women handled seeing themselves on FTVLive in not the best light. It shows that there are still some people in this business that "get it" and that understand that being in the public eye, opens you up to criticism.