

There was an election yesterday, no really there was. 

It was a special election for the 18th congressional district in Pennsylvania. Not exactly a huge story, unless of course, you work in cable news and then it's the biggest story in the world!

Democrat Conor Lamb took on Republican Rick Saccone in the special election to see which one will head to Washington and do absolutely nothing for the American people. 

Here are some quotes from cable news heads about the race last night. 

CNN's Dana Bash gasped that this is "definition of a nail-biter." 

"We're going to have to count every last vote," CNN's John King said.

"America has no nails left," CNN's Mitra Kalita said. 

Really? I don't think American gave two craps to see which person was going to be elected into what is nothing more than a broken system of rich white guys that only care about themselves.

Then Jake Tapper said what every TV news person in the business was thinking last night as they watched the results roll in from a special election in the corner of PA.

"It's why we got into this business!" Tapper said. 

No it's not Jake. 

No wonder why CNN is last in the cable news ratings. 

BTW- As of this story being posted, we still don't know who won the election and most of us still don't care.