Sinclair Uses Semantics to Try and Close Tribune Deal


Sinclair is doing everything they can to try and close the Tribune deal.

In their latest filing with the FCC, Sinclair says that it will agree to sell off some stations to try and bring the company into FCC compliance on ownership rules. 

But, the proposal is really nothing more than a bait and switch. 

In a filing today with the FCC, Sinclair said it would sell WGN in Chicago, WPIX in New York and other stations. 

But, the company says that once it seels the stations, it will enter into an agreement to run the stations. 

So, while Sinclair might not technically own the station, it will still control, run and profit from the station. 

So, in other words, Sinclair sells off WGN in Chicago but then reaches an agreement to still run and operate the station. It will basically be the same thing as if Sinclair owned the station outright. 

In other words, Sinclair will game the system to try and get the deal approved. 

Here's the filing with the FCC and which stations they tend to sell off, but still operate.