The Worst Person in TV News No. - 3


FTVLive has a goal of trying not to repeat people on either the Best or the Worst list, but sometimes the choice is so overwhelming, you just can't overlook it. 

So the 3rd Worst person in TV News for 2017 is a repeat winner (loser) on the list. 

Let's all welcome back CNN President Jeff Zucker. 

Zucker has wrecked CNN so bad that it is no longer looked at as a news channel, but is more often used as a punchline in a joke. 

If you go out in the real world and just ask people that don't work or have no connection to TV news about CNN, it's a good bet that none of them will have a positive thing to say. 

Zucker has taken a once proud and objective news network and made it a left leaning cable channel that only cares about getting people to watch. 

Zucker doesn't care that his people have no credibility. Don Lemon trending on social media for being drunk and acting like an idiot? That's fine in Zucker's world as long as people are talking. 

Shows are nothing more than scream fest that make no point and are like watching immature kids fight on a playground. 

Many wonder if CNN could ever be saved and brought back to a legitimate news operation, or have Zucker has so trashed the brand, that it can never be saved? 

CNN is the Keeping Up with the Kardashian's of TV news. Shock, shit, and no substance. 

Many inside CNN hope that Zucker is gone from the network one way or the other this year. 

Time will tell if it happens. 

Stop back next hour when we will have one of the best people in TV news to talk about.