Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones Segment

NBC and Megyn Kelly came under harsh fire for her interview with right wing whack job Alex Jones. 

It got so bad that NBC had to frantically re-edit the story to help save face for both Kelly and the network. 

“Here’s the thing, Alex Jones isn’t going away,” Kelly said as she introduced the story. 

And, thanks to people like her, his platform is getting bigger and bigger, she might have added. 

The interview really did not tell us much. Kelly pressed Jones to admit he was wrong to call the massacre at Newtown, Connecticut, a hoax. He never did give a straight answer. 

Jones leaked an audio recording of what he said was a phone conversation with Kelly, heard promising she would not portray him as “some kind of boogeyman.” 

But, if the end, that is exactly what it appeared that she tried to do. Kelly challenged Jones from the start, introducing him as a “radical conspiracy theorist.”

Jones watched the interview and even popped a bottle of champagne and claimed victory. The only thing this idiot wants is eyeballs and his name out there. He got exactly that from Kelly and NBC. 

As for Kelly, the story was not nearly as bad as the criticism that led up to the show and it is a good bet it helped goose the ratings of her Sunday night show that has been off to a slow start. But, the negative publicity leading up to the interview, could have done more damage. 

Kelly wants exactly what Jones does..... more eyeballs and her name out there. 

Maybe these two are much more alike then many think.