Headed to the Dark Side

Anyone that works in TV news knows the feeling....

While you are working nights, weekends, holidays and long hours....the sales people are putting in a short day and heading home at a normal time. You grit your teeth as you watch them leave the building a couple minutes before 5 and get into their shinny new car and drive away. 

Sure, there job of asking people for money and sucking up to advertisers sucks, but they make more money and work "normal hours."

For 33 years, WHOI Sports Anchor Lee Hall watched just that. 

Now he has decided to join them. 

Hall is moving to the station's sales department.

“After all these years covering local sports (which I truly love), I am excited about a change, and I am taking my career in a new direction,” Hall said in a statement WEEK and WHOI released Tuesday. “But what’s really great is that I am just moving down the hallway. I am staying with the same TV station in which I have spent my career.”

He's going to the dark side....

May the force be with you. 

H/T PJStar