Follow the Leader

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Back at the end of September, someone pointed us to the new DMA market rankings. 

It was one of those emails we got on a Friday and filed it away. Sadly, we forgot about the email and it sat in a folder. On Monday, we were doing some house cleaning and came across the DMA rankings that we had for a couple of weeks. 

So, on Monday we finally got around to the story, a story that we had for a couple of weeks, but forgot about. 

Here's the funny part.

After FTVLive put up the story, a few hours later another TV website posted a story about TV market rankings. What are the odds that they just came up with that story a few hours after FTVLive posted the same story (a story we had for days)?

Then on Tuesday morning, another website that continuously lifts content from FTVLive with no attribution and no credit has a story guessed rankings.  

Later on Tuesday morning, another story by another website that lacks journalistic ethics and also swipes stories from FTVLive posted their market rankings story.

This was a story that we had held onto for days (because we forgot about it) and then after we finally did put it up, everyone followed.

How many of those sites gave FTVLive any credit?  


You have to love that sites that are geared towards Journalists have no clue how to practice Journalism correctly. 

It's a good thing FTVLive is here posting stories 24/7 365, because these other websites might be very thin if they actually had to do their own work. 

Keep following the leader guys, will show you how it's done.