Out of the Box with a Bang

Yesterday, FTVLive introduced a new feature to the website, THE FTVLive Netcast and it was a big success. 

Thousands of you listen to the first Netcast and looking at the stats it is interesting. 

The FTVLive Netcast was listened the most in New York City, followed by Tampa, Washington, DC., Chicago, Phoenix and LA. It was also listened to by people in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

I'm already busy working on future Netcasts and I have tracked down some great guests that should make it very interesting. 

If you didn't get a chance to listen to Episode 1, it's embedded for you below, or you can check the Netcasts tab at the top of the page and that is where all the FTVLive Netcasts will live. I will be adding an RSS feed in the near future. 

Thanks for listening and we can only hope this grows to be even bigger and better.