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Sinclair Staffers Kicked to the Curb

According to stations sources, Friday was the last day for nine off-air employees at Sinclair’s WGXA in Macon.

The affected individuals were an Assignment Editor, aged 51 and engaged; a recently promoted Newscast Director, aged 26; a newly engaged Newscast Producer, also aged 26; a News Photographer who recently became a father at age 33; two Production Assistants, aged 24 and 32, with the latter being a cancer survivor; a new father, aged 34, who was also a Production Assistant; a Production Assistant who is a mother of five and aged 35, and a 44-year-old Production Supervisor who had been with the company for 15 years.

When people are laid off, you can see that he has a big impact on others as well.

Our source says that the station cut its 10pm Sunday show and reduced its 5pm weekday show from an hour to 30 minutes. Furthermore, the station's flagship 10pm weekday show was eliminated and replaced with The National Desk.

It is a loss for the employees that were kicked to the curb and the viewers are now being fed a “national” newscast that will offer up little in stories that matter to them.

But, Sinclair saves some money, and let’s be honest, that’s really all they care about.

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